#1340 article number: SL-4H - 4
...that hurt like hell! (09:56)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
labia pulling
labia pulling (heavy)
red blond

As I went through the door I just thought: I must finish her off as quickly as possible and make her give up.

Only I was missing an important weapon, her panties, and Linda had soon learned that she could get at my pussy lips more often now, so she pulled like mad!

What did I think about that? "You bastard, now I am going to hurt YOU, and how!" I was serious about it too!

People usually say: "Sorry, that wasn't meant personally" but this WAS personal. Linda DID want to hurt me and I DID want to hurt her! I don't think you can get more personal than that. The biggest challenge was to keep a grip on myself and stop myself from hitting her.

The shortest fight of my life, but the toughest and most painful. I hardly think there'll be a return match - I've tortured Linda too much for that!

Hi folks,
this is one of the best Storylines I know, if you like "BBW - Big is Beautiful"! Why? Because I know both persons concerned and because this is how it really happened. It wasn't easy to keep Kai in the office until the girls had finished filming and put everything away. Of course Linda had let me into the secret - it had been planned a long time before.
The girls did the whole thing by themselves, so please forgive them for having accidentally used three different video formats in the first fight.
Also I'd like to say a little "Thank you" to my boss for cutting and editing this material. It took him four times as long as for a normal production.
There are no pictures in the gallery for the first part (1-1.) Kai has built these into the first download as titles for each next piece of film. There are plenty more pictures is the full download!
So, sit back and enjoy!
Love, Cindy
#1338 article number: SL-4F - 2
...it continued in bed (15:19)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (Storyline)
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
panty / panty & bra
dressed --> topless
bedroom bed
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
titfight - breast to breast
red blond

But every bit of me now hurt and we could have done without the face-sitting completely. Perhaps it's quite pleasant if you're at least a little bit bi, but not with Linda!

#1339 article number: SL-4G - 3
...and what was that about X-treme Catfight? (15:04)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
panty / panty & bra
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
labia pulling
labia pulling (heavy)
red blond
I wasn't to make such a fuss but rather get hold of her. I wouldn't have done much to her, only left her with a few stripes. I should really grab her, knead her tits etc? OK, that's what I'll do! She'll soon find out what that means when I sink my claws into her tits!

I did it, but Linda fought back, twisting and pulling my breasts, I felt the pain immediately. I had to do something about it at once or I'd go under!

I pinched her nipples and pulled her panties with my other hand up as far as her tits. If you do that right, the panties cut into the pussy and ass crack. You can make it even worse by pulling her pussy lips at the same time!

Now I had Linda where I wanted her. I kept leaning forward, trying to protect my tits with my arms while at the same time dealing with her tits and pussy. She had to take a break!

#1341 article number: SL-4E - 1
How it started & my first Fight - English Version (16:59)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (Storyline)
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
crotch grabbing
red blond

So I went downstairs to see Kai (I'm his tenant) and asked him if I could work for him again. Kai said he would try to find an opponent for me. I was to send him some new and effective photos, but he didn't have an opponent. Why not Linda, his wife, then?

I actually meant that as a joke, but Kai thought it would be a good idea to take a few pictures of his wife and for me to send him some similar ones. Nothing to do with catfight, but if this earned me a bit of money, why not? But who would take the pictures of me? Well, Kai took them, who else! If that didn't cause some trouble and strife!

The first 3 pictures of Linda were harmless. She is sitting on a chair, lifting her dresss and showing that she has nothing on underneath. Easy money, I thought to myself. But there was some stress because Linda didn't think it was right for Kai to have to take the pictures of me. Linda had no problems with naked girls in front of the camera, that's part of the job, but taking such pictures of me is more personal somehow.

Linda looked at the pictures and claimed that she was showing more than I was. So who was showing more? No problem, I'll make some more, and I wrote to her that I wanted to see some similar ones of her. She then saw my pictures and I saw hers - not exactly beautiful!

I now had the urge to go a bit further still, but I could well imagine that Kai would get into further trouble if we made any more of these photos. Kai, would you like to take a few more pictures of me?? And Kai came up to my place again. What would you like to see this time?

I showed him plenty, so Linda would have to do the same... and when you see our faces, which one of us do you think enjoyed it more?

What woman would not enjoy being fancied? It's a wonderful feeling, being able to arouse a man, with really strong nude photos for example. It spoils things though, if the photos shown are of your tenant, that is, me. However, I at least had fun doing it!

We had Kai running up and down. Ever time we had finished making a few photos I sent him down to his wife. After he had shown them to her and no doubts heard derogatory remarks about them from Linda, he made some new ones of her and brought them up for me to see. Would she have done this without having my examples to follow?

And now whose pussy looks nicer?

Linda surprised me with these photo. But I could do just as well, or even look better, because I wanted to earn money!

Then when Linda told me my body wasn't flexible enough I began to feel really competitive. However, I must admit that she is really flexible, so Linda scores that point!

But when she suggested "Now let's produce a Loser gets Fucked", that is, with pussy-pulling, that was too much for me. Does she think I couldn't do it? I gave her a sample! And she paid me back! I guessed what would happen if we really did fight!

1-2. Am I really too soft for a catfight?
I wanted to know the answer once and for all, earning money was now the less important issue. As Kai was going to be in the office with Cindy again for some hours, Linda and I went to fetch tripods and 4 cameras. I chose the storeroom necause Linda couldn't escape there. But I knew too that in any other room I could end up on the floor and that would be the end of that. Fortunately, Linda didn't know this!
I switched all 4 cameras on and told Linda she could come up. Really professional, with bathrobe etc. We were so excited that I even forgot to take my glasses off. And all this artificial smiling!

Fortunately it got going without further ado. And right from the start I was determined to show her who's boss, pinching tits and pulling her panties up until her pussy lips were ripped apart. Big mistake - now Linda started.

This little room now proved to be a disadvantage for me. Linda nearly tore my tits off. And as for pulling panties up, Linda could do that very well too.

I thought that if I didn't grab her tits so often, just pushed her hands away or only pulled her hair she would realise that it was too much and she was being too rough.

But what does this insane woman do? She pulls at my belly fat! Pinches my thighs and pulls like mad at my panties!

Just you wait, I can do that as well! Only that I also tried to stick my finger in!

My tits hurt so badly that I was really glad that Linda was the first one to run out of steam. I couldn't have held out for another minute. Unfortunately the effects of so much painful torture did not make themselves felt at first, but in bed no doubt it will be different!

#1337 article number: SL-4D - 1
How it started (16:59)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (Storyline)
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
crotch grabbing
red blond

So I went downstairs to see Kai (I'm his tenant) and asked him if I could work for him again. Kai said he would try to find an opponent for me. I was to send him some new and effective photos, but he didn't have an opponent. Why not Linda, his wife, then?

I actually meant that as a joke, but Kai thought it would be a good idea to take a few pictures of his wife and for me to send him some similar ones. Nothing to do with catfight, but if this earned me a bit of money, why not? But who would take the pictures of me? Well, Kai took them, who else! If that didn't cause some trouble and strife!

The first 3 pictures of Linda were harmless. She is sitting on a chair, lifting her dresss and showing that she has nothing on underneath. Easy money, I thought to myself. But there was some stress because Linda didn't think it was right for Kai to have to take the pictures of me. Linda had no problems with naked girls in front of the camera, that's part of the job, but taking such pictures of me is more personal somehow.

Linda looked at the pictures and claimed that she was showing more than I was. So who was showing more? No problem, I'll make some more, and I wrote to her that I wanted to see some similar ones of her. She then saw my pictures and I saw hers - not exactly beautiful!

I now had the urge to go a bit further still, but I could well imagine that Kai would get into further trouble if we made any more of these photos. Kai, would you like to take a few more pictures of me?? And Kai came up to my place again. What would you like to see this time?

I showed him plenty, so Linda would have to do the same... and when you see our faces, which one of us do you think enjoyed it more?

What woman would not enjoy being fancied? It's a wonderful feeling, being able to arouse a man, with really strong nude photos for example. It spoils things though, if the photos shown are of your tenant, that is, me. However, I at least had fun doing it!

We had Kai running up and down. Ever time we had finished making a few photos I sent him down to his wife. After he had shown them to her and no doubts heard derogatory remarks about them from Linda, he made some new ones of her and brought them up for me to see. Would she have done this without having my examples to follow?

And now whose pussy looks nicer?

Linda surprised me with these photo. But I could do just as well, or even look better, because I wanted to earn money!

Then when Linda told me my body wasn't flexible enough I began to feel really competitive. However, I must admit that she is really flexible, so Linda scores that point!

But when she suggested "Now let's produce a Loser gets Fucked", that is, with pussy-pulling, that was too much for me. Does she think I couldn't do it? I gave her a sample! And she paid me back! I guessed what would happen if we really did fight!

1-2. Am I really too soft for a catfight?
I wanted to know the answer once and for all, earning money was now the less important issue. As Kai was going to be in the office with Cindy again for some hours, Linda and I went to fetch tripods and 4 cameras. I chose the storeroom necause Linda couldn't escape there. But I knew too that in any other room I could end up on the floor and that would be the end of that. Fortunately, Linda didn't know this!
I switched all 4 cameras on and told Linda she could come up. Really professional, with bathrobe etc. We were so excited that I even forgot to take my glasses off. And all this artificial smiling!

Fortunately it got going without further ado. And right from the start I was determined to show her who's boss, pinching tits and pulling her panties up until her pussy lips were ripped apart. Big mistake - now Linda started.

This little room now proved to be a disadvantage for me. Linda nearly tore my tits off. And as for pulling panties up, Linda could do that very well too.

I thought that if I didn't grab her tits so often, just pushed her hands away or only pulled her hair she would realise that it was too much and she was being too rough.

But what does this insane woman do? She pulls at my belly fat! Pinches my thighs and pulls like mad at my panties!

Just you wait, I can do that as well! Only that I also tried to stick my finger in!

My tits hurt so badly that I was really glad that Linda was the first one to run out of steam. I couldn't have held out for another minute. Unfortunately the effects of so much painful torture did not make themselves felt at first, but in bed no doubt it will be different!

20% Reduced price for complete SL-4 series
altogether 5 Downloads