topless --> nude
dressed --> nude
studio mats
tit grabbing
tit pulling
Here now is my first fight, unfortunately not yet with Cati or Kathy. With Steffi I had a few misgivings. As Kai rightly presumed when he announced the fight, she could almost be my mother. I wanted to go easy on her at first, but when Steffi after 1 1/2 minutes tried to tear my tits out, I thought, OK, if that's the way you want it, you can be my victim!
Only, "victim" was perhaps not the right word, because she twisted like an eel. After about 4 minutes we had to take a break, because Steffi had started to bleed from her arm. A pity, but I'll get her later all the same!

The second part of the fight (from the 4th minute) started about 6 hours and several other fights later, and was then the last fight of the day. It wasn't really a fight as I usually understand it - with one hand I tried to protect myself from Steffi, while I attacked with the other hand. Not my style at all, normally I go at it with both hands, but my tits hurt sooooo much that every action was twice as hard! This time it was ME who wanted to end it as soon as possible, I hardly cared any more whether I won or not!

The easiest way to beat Steffi is with a face-sitting, and I managed to sit on her after 7 minutes. But Steffi give up? No way! I tore at her pussy, kneaded her tits and even flattened them with my ass, but to no avail. She resisted for at least 5 minutes, but then, for one millisecond, I sat on her! The End! Victory! But, shit, was I exhausted! Marvellous!