#13086 article number: X-35 - 1
Linda vs Alex - let's get started! (06:31)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
labia pulling
labia pulling (heavy)
red blond
Lett's get started then...
Alex: Sorry I haven’t written sooner, I had a lot to do at work and didn’t
know that my writing was so important. I thought Kai was joking!
So how did it happen, more
fights? I was having a problem with my computer, which Kai was supposed to be
helping me with, when I happened to mention that I wanted to save up to buy a
little car (but never again a Smart), so I needed another job on the side, ha
Kai (drily): “Yes, sure, no problem”. I was delighted: “Do you
have somebody new for me? LINDA, no, we’ve always said NEVER again!” But what’s
a week of pain and bruises compared with the first down payment on a car? So, when
and where?
In my old
apartment. OK, fine, in a shoe cupboard, sure, but in my old
bedroom on mats, that’s something new! And in the kitchen? I thought, he’s crazy!
As we went into the shoe cupboard Kai asked: “Nude?“
That’s how we’re used to doing it. Linda said we could always put something on
My last question to Kai:
“Are there any limits?” Kai looked at Linda, who shook her head. So after a gap
of 18 months we started fighting!
Catfight in the shoe cupboard isn’t proper catfighting.
It’s a matter of finding out what the other one doesn’t like (hates!) and using
it to make her submit.
The problem with Linda and me is we both know exactly
what the other one hates. When I say hates, that’s not quite right. Linda pulls
hair and ears so hard that it brings tears to my eyes.
I must admit it’s painful, too, when I try to pull
Linda up by her tits, something I didn’t succeed in doing because she was too
heavy, but at least she had to stand on tip-toe!
The other devastating weapon Linda has is
pussy-pulling, something she does to my long pussy lips which nearly pulls them
off, and it hurts like hell! Fortunately, in this fight she managed to to this
only once.
My way is a bit different. I shove my whole hand
between her legs as far as her ass cheeks. She can squeeze together as much as
she likes. Then I pull back slowly and my middle finger strokes her asshole,
and that makes her jump, but not for joy! She tries to pull my arm away and I
try to stick my finger in. A nasty feeling, she’s had her finger in me a few
times! But that seldom happens. I prefer to stick 4 fingers between her pussy
lips and try to pull the whole pussy up to her navel. Very effective, and done
a few times will make her want to give up, ha ha!
What works very well too:
bending Linda forwards and grabbing from behind
between her legs!
That was hard. Was it really only 6 ½ minutes? It felt more like an hour!
20% Reduced price for complete X-35 series
altogether 5 SD-Downloads
altogether 3 HD-Downloads