#13200 article number: X-35 - 3
Linda vs Alex - not always nude… (10:48)
the paid downloads are nor censored
Catfights (extreme)
Big is beautiful
panty / panty & bra
dressed --> topless
Shoebox (room 1 x 1,5m)
body punching
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
labia pulling
titfight - breast to breast
red blond
not always nude…
Up till now I enjoyed all of this, exept for the pain
and bruises. No, honestly, I wouldn’t mind doing some more, especially with
some other women.
I like it on the mats very much too, so long as I
don’t end up lying on the floor. But in the shoe cupboard fit condition isn’t
that important. I tend to be more the submissive type, but Linda challenges me.
At first she always leans against the wall looking bored “come and get me, or
show me”. I sometimes get the feeling she’s waiting for me to get rough so she
can do the same.
I had looked forward all day to the fights. I don’t
know why, somehow I felt the need to torture Linda and for her to do the same
to me. Sounds stupid, but I can’t think of another way of describing it.
Already on the way to Kai I was afraid that Linda
would come with 1000 new rules. Fortunately eerything stayed as usual and I
think she missed my tits – I certainly missed hers J. What was
new, however, was that she slapped her tits around or tried to squash mine at
every opportunity.
But I could have done without the hair-pulling...
...and Linda grabbing between MY thighs, which luckily didn’t happen often.
But I was often able to grab her from behind between her thighs. She twisted and wriggled but she couldn’t get at my hand. And when she came upright and tried to clench her ass cheeks tightly together my finger stayed there and bored. If she did that to me I would...
20% Reduced price for complete X-35 series
altogether 5 SD-Downloads
altogether 3 HD-Downloads