Catfights (hard)
Big is beautiful
studio mats
heavy hairpulling
tit grabbing
tit pulling
tit pulling (heavy)
crotch grabbing
pussy to mouth
head scissors
body scissors
Steffi and Alex have fought each other several times, as you know, fiercer and fiercer every time. Steffi came to me before the fight and said: "I don't want to fight against Alex, she's so fat and can't move much, she just pulls your hair and you can't get between her legs!" But when the boss commands... and so Steffi went onto the mat (carpet) already in a bad mood - just look at her screwed-up face!

What Steffi and I didn't know was that Alex didn't want this fight either. She had already complained to Kai: "I don't want to fight with Steffi, after the last time my breasts were full of bruises." - our boss replied drily: "Then just do the same to her!" - only she didn't manage to do that, ha ha!

I can't hide the fact that I just do not like the fat sluggish Alexandra, so I was all the more pleased that my office girl Steffi was able to get the better of her for the first time, and even dared to slide all over Alex's face with her pussy. Alex will have felt her all over her face! I wish it had lasted even longer!

After a short break the fight continued. Steffi immediate carried on where she had left off, tearing and pulling, getting Alex onto the floor again. Alex only had to give up and that would have been the end, but she grabbed Steffi's ponytail again, wound it round her wrist and pulled! You shouldn't have done that, Alex!
For Alex it must have felt like hours because Steffi now attacked her exposed tits with her hand! She pinched them, pulled them until they were long (ouch!) and tried to crush them! Steffi after the fight: "That's the last time I'll do anything with that slut!"