studio mats
body scissors
leg scissors
In the break we talked about the theme 'mixed'. It was then when Larissa mentioned that she feels strong enough also to fight against men. And promised to think about it for the future. And of course it was her sister again who could not keep her naughty little trap and said: "This you will never manage, sister dear! But why don't you try it against me and Kiara first!" - The answer of Larissa: "Ok. Let's go!"
Also Kiara, who until now only had been watching from the background, agreed. Two against one? In her first fight. Why not?
This fights also starts very quick. Kiara and Ines are quite a good team. Kiara attacks, Larissa throws her to the mat - and immediately Ines attacks her from behind. Kiara gets free - and immediately helps Ines. Larissa shakes both of them off - and Ines and Kiara attack together. That is what happens during the first few minutes of this match. Absolutely stunning what a power Larissa has! But can she go on like this for the rest of the fight?

After about five minutes full of power and action Ines and Kiara begin to get Larissa under their control. But only very slowly. Because the power of Larissa now obviously begins to decrease. She still defends herself heavily but the two girls gain more and more the upper hand.

Now it is Steffi who joins in! She no longer could watch how these two little 'chicks' tried to wrestle down such a strong 'mother' like Larissa. Finally Steffi is also a 'mother' by herself. She just had to help. And she also had to settle an old score with Ines! It takes no longer than just a few seconds - and the two little 'chicks' both lay down on the mat. But Ines manages to get free from Steffi again, tries to help Kiara with Larissa and now clings so tightly on her sister that even Steffi can not get the two girls away from Larissa...